
Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102

March 27, 2015

To Friends Everywhere,

At our meeting for worship for business of January 25, 2015 Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting endorsed a minute supporting the ReleasingMinistry.org,a project of member, Viv Hawkins. The minutes of that meeting say: “The Clerk reminded Friends that Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting heard a presentation by Viv Hawkins about the ReleasingMinistry.org project at its September 26, 2014 business meeting. The Clerk provided background materials about the project to PQM’s member meetings asking them to acquaint members and attenders with the project and, if possible, consider endorsement at a business meeting, asking representatives to report back to the PQM January 2015 meeting for worship for business.

“Having received back minutes of endorsement from Central Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill, Green Street, Germantown, Frankford Monthly Meetings, and verbally from Germantown Monthly Meeting, Friends in Philadelphia Quarte approve a minute of support for ReleasingMinistry.org, a project to publicize and raise resources for Spirit-led works of Friends. With Divine assistance, we believe the Religious Society of Friends can be strengthened through this project and the spiritual accountability of participating ministries. We encourage Friends, especially members of Philadelphia Quarterly and Yearly Meetings, to support the project in any way they are led, including recommending ministries to the project or offering funding, prayer hospitality, or other forms of support to ReleasingMinistry.org or its participating ministries. We thank Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for holding under its care this project and their member Viv Hawkins (co-founder of ReleasingMinistry.org)."

Hollister Knowlton, Clerk, Philadelphia Quarter


Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends

1515 Cherry Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102

January 11, 2015

Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting heard about ReleasingMinistry.org during the fall 2014 LifeCalls ministry annual report and again on January 11, 2015.  We minute support for the ReleasingMinistry.org project, believing that it will strengthen the Religious Society of Friends.

We are grateful for CPMM's LifeCalls ministry's Spiritual Accountability Group which has care of this project within the ministry of Viv Hawkins. We thank Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting for publicizing ReleasingMinistry.org among its monthly meetings and considering a minute of support.

We invite friends to support ReleasingMinistry.org by contributing to the project.  CPMM receives tax-deductible contribution designated to LifeCalls Ministry.

Barry Scott, clerk CPMM


LifeCalls: A Ministry to Foster Faithfulness minute of religious service

LifeCalls minute, including Releasing Ministry Alliance, was approved by Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting and endorsed by Philadelphia Quarterly and Yearly Meetings.

Not shown on the following documentation is the endorsement by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of LifeCalls Ministry (minute 8 of April 2015 Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Interim Meeting)

LifeCalls minute of religious service

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