Spiritual Direction for Individuals and Groups

Created by : jennieisbell_156

Body Awareness/Movement
Pastoral Care
Spiritual Direction/ Guidance
Spiritual Practices

Ministry Webform Master Node



If your well of spiritual resources seems to have run dry… things that used to work aren’t working anymore…

If you want to explore new approaches to spiritual self-care and need encouragement…

If you are experiencing a nudge toward new ways of being and you want to explore where you are being led…

If you are in transition or approaching transition, and you want to connect with the deep places in you that remind you of the nearness of the Holy…

Consider spiritual direction with me!

A large part of my work is helping clients shift perspective, hear the wisdom in their own words, listen for their soul’s longing and for God’s response (known by many names and guises). Very often, clients are in the process of discerning a right next step, grieving a loss, or looking for new sources of light and delight.

I meet clients via video conference or on the phone, so location is not a barrier to connection! For more information about me, spiritual direction, and kind words from some of my clients, look here: https://www.jennieisbellshinn.com


I have been in private practice as a spiritual director since 2008. Most of my clients over the years have been clergy, retired clergy, or lay leaders in Christian denominations. Often they have professional development funds (and a professional responsibility to have a spiritual director).

In order to see clients who do not have finanical support or means to receive one-on-one spritiual direction, I accept donations. I match donations received to sessions offered at no cost or reduced cost, so that I am compensated for my time, and able to continue this work and related professional development for myself. My full pay clients pay $65-$85/session.

Donations in any amount are gratefully received!


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